Sunday, October 15, 2006

jUploadr 1.1.1 win32 installer

jUploadr is written by Java, you need to install JDK(or JRE) before using it.
But the win32 version of jUploadr use a batch file to start jUploadr, the batch file require REG.exe (which is included in WinXP by default no in Win2000).

You can get reg.exe from the following links:

In my environment (Win2000), there is still some problem in the batch file to start jUploadr. Thus, I have packaged the jUplaodr using InstallAnywhere. The installer will help you to install jUploadr and help you execute jUploadr more easily. (no more DOS command window)

jUploadr_1.1.1_setup.exe (Without JVM)

(You still need to install JDK first)